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Hong Kong corporate services

Hong Kong company tax return

Hong Kong company tax return

According to the provisions of the Inland Revenue Ordinance of Hong Kong, a Hong Kong company is required to voluntarily declare tax to the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department every year. If a tax return is issued, it is required to complete the tax return and submit the tax return together with the auditor's report for the current year; if a tax return is not issued, it is only required to provide the auditor's report for the current year.

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Hong Kong company registration

Hong Kong company registration

Hong Kong company registration company name choice freedom, can contain country, group, shares and other words, a wide range of business, in addition to banks, schools and other industries need to get a license, other industries can be engaged in.

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Annual inspection of Hong Kong company

Annual inspection of Hong Kong company

Hong Kong company12Annual inspection is required once every month, which requires the two government departments of Hong Kong Company Registry and Hong Kong Tax Bureau to do the annual inspection of Hong Kong company respectively. Meanwhile, it also requires the secretary company to be an important controller for record and recordKYC. If the Hong Kong company does not do the annual inspection on time, there will be the following consequences

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Hong Kong corporate audit

Hong Kong corporate audit

As an international business and financial center, Hong Kong is also a special administrative region implementing one country, two systems. It has a different company system and tax system from the mainland. The Companies Ordinance and Taxation Ordinance of Hong Kong stipulate that Hong Kong companies must submit audit reports and complete tax declaration as required.

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Cancellation of Hong Kong company

Cancellation of Hong Kong company

According to the Companies Ordinance and the Taxation Ordinance of the Hong Kong Government, if a Hong Kong limited company ceases to operate, it needs to go through the cancellation procedure according to law. The company in Hong Kong shall start from the date of application for cancellation8-12A month.

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Offshore claim

Offshore claim

If the company in Hong Kong shows in its audit report that the profits of the company in the audit year were obtained outside Hong Kong (overseas profits), the Inland Revenue Department of Hong Kong will send a letter to inform you to defend about 80% of the time. The process is also called offshore claim.

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Hong Kong company International notary document

Hong Kong company International notary document

Under normal circumstances, international notary documents are required for Hong Kong companies to open bank accounts, set up subsidiaries, participate in legal proceedings, set up representative offices, participate in bidding and other matters outside mainland China.

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Hong Kong Corporation legal opinion

Hong Kong Corporation legal opinion

The legal opinion of Hong Kong company is issued according to the current effective laws of Hong Kong and has a good reference to the basic information of Hong Kong company. Some companies may require the addition of some special legal verification. Generally, under the permission of law, the legal opinion can also include some special verification content. These need to be handled in detail when the communication.

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Hong Kong company bank account

Hong Kong company bank account

Advantages of opening a bank account in Hong Kong Cross-border settlement A Hong Kong company may settle international trade after opening a bank account. The registered capital of a Hong Kong company shall open an account in an overseas bank, and funds shall be freely transferred from such account and shall not be subject to domestic foreign exchange control. The proportion of shareholders' investment in the business operation of the funds can be timely transfer business scope without account opening, the Hong Kong company can only do brand operation, can not really help the company's business operation. Registered address account funds after opening......

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Change of Hong Kong company

Change of Hong Kong company

Hong Kong companies change the location advantage of Hong Kong, attracting more and more state-owned enterprises, listed companies, private enterprises to invest in the establishment of Hong Kong companies. In the daily management of Hong Kong companies, there are often the following types of change needs: Hong Kong companies to share, Hong Kong companies to directors, Hong Kong companies to change their names......

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