HK Audit
Change of Hong Kong company

Hong Kong's geographical advantages have attracted more and more state-owned enterprises, listed companies and private enterprises to invest and set up Hong Kong companies. Hong Kong companies often have the following changes in their daily management:

  • Conversion of shares by Hong Kong company
  • Hong Kong company to director
  • Change of name of Hong Kong company

Conversion of shares by Hong Kong company

Conversion of shares by Hong Kong company

Conversion of shares: refers to the transfer of all or part of the shares held by the current shareholders to the new shareholders (can be one or more).

Shareholders of Hong Kong companies have the obligation to report changes in the shareholders' holdings in time. Timely handling of share transfer is not only to fulfill the obligation to cooperate with the company's daily management, but also to protect your interests from losses.

How to transfer shares? What procedures and documentation are required?
①First, identify the transferor and the transferee and provide authentic and valid identification and address proof respectively.
 ②Sign the share transfer document and send it back to the agency, pay the fee and the supplementary document of share transfer.
 ③The agency will submit the documents for you, pay the corresponding stamp duty and get the receipt. ④Finally, receive the receipt, confirm the completion of the transfer, check the latest holding situation.

Hong Kong company shares transfer to Huanze for your whole process
1Document preparation: Prepare all share transfer documents in advance, and customers only need to sign to complete them, saving time and trouble
2, estimated amount: estimated stamp duty amount in advance,
3Submission of documents: All subsequent transfer documents shall be prepared and submitted by our Hong Kong employees


Hong Kong company to director

Transfer of directors means the resignation of an incumbent director and the appointment of a new director (either one or more), or the resignation of an incumbent director only, Directors of Hong Kong companies have the obligation to report the appointment or resignation of company directors in time. Timely handling of the transfer of directors is not only to fulfill the obligation to cooperate with the daily management of the company, but also to protect your interests from losses.

How does a Hong Kong company transfer director operate? What procedures and documentation are required?

①First, identify the outgoing and appointed directors and provide authentic and valid proof of identity and address respectively.
②Sign the relevant documents and send them back to the agency to pay the fees.
 ③The agency will submit the documents for you to the Companies Registry for examination.
④Finally, receive the receipt, confirm the completion of the transfer of directors, and check the latest incumbent directors.

Hong Kong company to director-Ring Ze will do everything for you
1Document preparation: Prepare all documents, the customer only need to sign to complete, save time and trouble
2No agency fee: there is no government fee for transfer directors. It is unreasonable for an agency to inform you of the government fee and charge it
3Data submission: All subsequent data of transfer to directors shall be prepared and submitted by our Hong Kong employees

Change of name of Hong Kong company

Change of name of Hong Kong company

Hong Kong companies generally have the desire to change their names for the following reasons:
①Major changes in the company's main business;②The name of the company is similar to other companies, which is easy to cause confusion;③A direction issued by the Registrar of Companies of Hong Kong requiring the company to change its existing name;④The company's top management unanimously agreed to change the name of the company after the resolution.

Several ways for Hong Kong companies to change their names

①Change the English name of the Hong Kong company only;②Change the Chinese name of the Hong Kong company only;③Change the name of Hong Kong company in both Chinese and English.

Failure to change the Hong Kong company name in a timely manner may result in:
①Affect business development: unable to carry out business in a timely manner;
②Brand consumption disputes: products of companies with similar names are easy to cause consumer misidentification and disputes;
③Daily management is not timely: causing the company's daily management is not timely;
④Heavy penalty: If the company does not comply with the direction of the Registrar of Companies to change its name, the company and/Or its officers may be prosecuted with a maximum penalty of a fine100,000And shall be liable to a daily fine for continued failure2,000Yuan.

What is the process of changing the name of a Hong Kong company and what information does it need?
①You need to work out a new company name. The proposed new company name will not be approved for registration if it is identical with an existing Hong Kong company name. Therefore, it is necessary to check the proposed company name to confirm whether the name can be registered successfully.
②The company shall change the name of the company in Hong Kong by special resolution. After the special resolution has been passed15We will deliver the completed form within daysNNC2"Notice of Change of Company Name" and correct fee.
③If the name is registered, the Companies Registry will issue a Certificate of Change of Name. In addition, the Business Registration Branch will issue an updated Business Registration Certificate.
④According to your needs, confirm whether to reprint the company seal and steel seal; And whether a certified public accountant in Hong Kong should issue a complete set of certified name change documents

Change of name of Hong Kong company-Ring Ze will do it for you
1, formal institutions: government issued license holding institutions, standards are guaranteed
2High pass rate: We will first check the name of the customer to improve the pass rate of the customer name
3Timely response: Follow up and return receipt in time so that the customer's bank account can be corrected and used in time

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