Consequences of non-auditing by Dubai companies
  • 1Extension of tax return
    The penalty incurred
  • 2Extension of tax return
    Resulting in a bad credit record for the company
  • 3Extension of tax return
    Lead to bad credit records of company directors
  • 4The delay of tax declaration leads to the subsequent transfer of shares, name change, change and other matters can not be carried out
Dubai corporate audit tax requirements
  • 01. Tax filing timeFile taxes once a year (i.e1month1sunrise12month31Day)
  • 02. Information required for tax returnThe company's business license; Company registration certificate; Articles of association of the company; Monthly bank statement; Receipts and payments documents (including those for the last month of the previous fiscal year and the first month of the next fiscal year); Invoice documents; Lease.
Dubai corporate audit procedures
  • 01 Make an account
  • 02 audit
  • 03 Submitted to Dubai Free Trade Zone Government
  • 04 Get your tax return
Why did Dubai Audit choose Ringze?
  • Audit report contract1Within a month,
    And submit to the free trade zone government
  • Local accounting firms in Dubai,
    Auditor responsible for audit
  • Communicate with local Chinese colleagues in Dubai
    Smooth and barrier-free
  • Audit report
    Patient analysis
  • Auditors, accountants, consultants
    Multiple gatekeeping
  • Dubai and China auditor,
    Tax agents, lawyers team services
Dubai corporate audit after the Ring Ze follow-up services
  • CycloseFree audit training seminar
  • CycloseTax advisory service
  • CycloseVAT registration

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