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06 2022.07

What are the benefits for mainland companies to set up in Hong Kong?

Hong Kong has a low corporate tax rate and few types of taxes. Hong Kong offshore company basic tax ...
06 2022.07

What should a Hong Kong company do when it receives a court summons?

Hong Kong company received summons from Hong Kong court probability is not carried out annual audit ...
05 2022.07

Do I need to sign a transaction document for the transfer of shares in Hong Kong company?

According to the requirements of the Inland Revenue Department, any person who completes the sale or...
05 2022.07

Pay attention! The Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department implements a policy of waiving business registration fees

About the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department's policy of waiving fees for Business registration cer...
04 2022.07

What are the differences of a Dubai work visa?

After the establishment of many Dubai companies, due to the development of the company needs to hire...
04 2022.07

What is capital reserve?

In the audit of companies in Hong Kong, few companies have the capital reserve project, but in the r...
03 2022.07

Know these tax policies before you register a Hong Kong company!

With the development of economy, now more and more mainland enterprises will choose to register thei...
01 2022.07

Which financial accounts do Hong Kong companies need confirmation for auditing?

The Hong Kong government requires Hong Kong companies to be audited every fiscal year in Hong Kong, ...
30 2022.06

What should a Hong Kong company do when audited?

Many people in the mainland do international trade, and most of them will set up companies in Hong K...
29 2022.06

How can a Hong Kong company make an employer declaration on employees' wages?

After the establishment of the Hong Kong company, it shall manage the company in accordance with the...

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