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What should a Hong Kong company do when it receives a court summons?

Released Date: Jul 06,2022 Article Source: HUANZE

Hong Kong company received summons from Hong Kong court probability is not carried out annual audit or not on time tax declaration. If a Hong Kong company receives a court summons, it must appear before the appointed court within the time specified in the summons for a hearing and accept the appropriate penalty.

Hong Kong companyReceiving summons from Hong Kong court is most likely caused by not conducting annual audit or not filing tax returns on time. If a Hong Kong company receives a court summons, it must appear before the appointed court within the time specified in the summons for a hearing and accept the appropriate penalty. If the personnel of the company are unable to attend the court, they can entrust an agent to attend the court, and the agent will attend the court and pay a fine.

If the director of the company is unable to attend the hearing within the specified time, the secretary company may be appointed to attend the hearing on behalf of the company and deal with the corresponding penalty (a power of attorney and reason shall be provided). If the subpoena hasn't been processed, it will beHong Kong companyWill have a bad impact on the reputation of the company, and will have a bad impact on the credit of the company's directors and shareholders. In serious cases, it will be directly blacklisted and restricted from entering and leaving Hong Kong.

What should a Hong Kong company do when it receives a court summons?

CycloseThe company is committed to providing domestic and foreign customers with corporate audit, tax declaration, registration, annual inspection, tax planning and other services in Hong Kong, Singapore, Dubai and other regions. Efficient, rigorous, intimate service has been favored by many private enterprises, listed companies and large state-owned enterprises.

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