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Chinese-funded Hong Kong enterprises shall register with the Liaison Office in Hong Kong

Released Date: Aug 19,2022 Article Source: HUANZE

From the date when the Chinese-funded enterprise completes the registration formalities in Hong Kong30They should register with the Economic Department of the Liaison Office of the Central Government in Hong Kong within days. So what documents and procedures do you need to prepare for registration?

From the date when the Chinese-funded enterprise completes the registration formalities in Hong Kong30They should register with the Economic Department of the Liaison Office of the Central Government in Hong Kong within days. So what documents and procedures do you need to prepare for registration?

For registration, the original copy of the Registration Form of Chinese-Funded Enterprises (institutions) Overseas shall be submitted, affixed with the official seal of the domestic investment entity and the official seal of the provincial commercial authority or the central enterprise; Copy of Certificate of Enterprise Overseas Investment (including overseas processing trade and overseas institutions); A copy of the Company Registration Certificate of the newly established Hong Kong company; A copy of the Business Registration Certificate of the new Hong Kong company.

Procedures: The Economic Department of the Liaison Office of the Central Government in Hong Kong accepts registration from Monday to Friday9:30-17:00, the company handler should submit the materials listed in Article 2 to the Central Government's Liaison Office in Hong Kong (Connaught Road West, Hong Kong)160The front desk. And to designate or entrust a person to handle, the liaison office does not accept mail handling. On Monday, Wednesday or Friday, the latest day after the application materials are sent16:00-17:30Get the receipt form at the Liaison Office reception desk.

Chinese-funded Hong Kong enterprises shall register with the Liaison Office in Hong Kong

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