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Registration and filing of an important controller of a registered Hong Kong company

Released Date: Aug 24,2021 Article Source: HUANZE

"2018The Companies (Amendment) Ordinance in 20002018years3month1Day implementation. All companies in Hong Kong (except listed companies) are required to identify the persons over whom they have significant control and to maintain a register of significant controllers for inspection by law enforcement officers. According to the Ordinance, each registered Hong Kong company is required to keep a book of its basic documents and information on its directors and shareholders at its Hong Kong office address or at a designated location for inspection by law enforcement officials.

"2018The Companies (Amendment) Ordinance in 20002018years3month1Day implementation. All companies in Hong Kong (except listed companies) are required to identify the persons over whom they have significant control and to maintain a register of significant controllers for inspection by law enforcement officers. The regulations state that every room is requiredRegistered Hong Kong companyMake a book of its basic documents, information of directors and shareholders, and place it at its office address in Hong Kong, or entrust a designated representative to put it in a designated place for the inspection of law enforcement officers.

The person with significant control is:Registered Hong Kong companyThe shareholder is a natural person needs to provide the natural person's identity documents and address documents; If the shareholder of a Hong Kong company is a body corporate, it is required to provide a copy of the business license of the body corporate and trace the shareholder holdings of the body corporate25%The above is a natural person or a body corporate, if still a body corporate continues to trace its shareholder holdings25%The above are natural persons or corporate bodies, up to natural persons or government departments.

After the regulation is formally implemented, if the law enforcement personnel reviewRegistered Hong Kong companyIf it is found that the register of significant controllers is not kept, it will be fined2.5Ten thousand Hong Kong dollars per day for each important controller700A fine of HK $.

Registration and filing of an important controller of a registered Hong Kong company

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