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Singapore companies need to pay attention to related transactions!

Released Date: Aug 30,2022 Article Source: HUANZE

If we mainlanders are involved in international business, we will generally set up overseas companies to operate overseas business. While mainlanders generally choose to set up their companies in Hong Kong, some prefer to incorporate their companies in Singapore.

If we mainlanders are involved in international business, we will generally set up overseas companies to operate overseas business. While mainlanders usually choose to set up companies in Hong Kong, and some people prefer to set up companies in Hong KongSingapore incorporated company.

If you haveSingapore CorporationIn addition, international trade with Singapore companies should pay attention to related transactions. This is because the Singapore Tax Authority may review the pricing of related transactions of Singapore companies whose related transactions reach a certain amount.

Singapore CorporationIf the amount of connected transaction reaches1000Ten thousand Singapore dollars (the revenue cost amount is calculated separately) may be checked by the Singapore Tax Authority for connected transactions, and the higher the amount, the greater the chance of drawing.

ifSingapore CorporationIf it is drawn by the tax bureau, the Singapore Tax Bureau will inform the Singapore company in the form of email that it needs to conduct related transaction review. A Singapore company shall hire a Singapore auditor to issue a separate report on related transactions and submit it to the Singapore Tax Board. (It is not cheap to issue related transaction reports)

Singapore companies need to pay attention to related transactions!

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