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What should Hong Kong company do to change its address after registration?

Released Date: Feb 18,2021 Article Source: HUANZE

Hong Kong company registered in the daily operation and management, there are many matters need to be concerned. Today we are going to share what a Hong Kong company needs to do when it changes its address.

Hong Kong company registered in the daily operation and management, there are many matters need to be concerned. Today we are going to share what a Hong Kong company needs to do when it changes its address.

Under the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance,1After a change of address, a Hong Kong company needs to be registered in15Notify the Companies Registry in writing within days;1Notify the Business Registration Office in writing within months. First of all, you need to inform the secretary of your Hong Kong company as soon as possible. They will prepare two documents for you in time, which are:①Sending a notice of change of address of the registered office to the Companies Registry to notify the change; Also, submit the Business Registration Notice Change of Business Address Form to the Business Registration Office to obtain the latest Business Registration Certificate (which will show the latest address of your company in Hong Kong). If the above matters are not completed in time, the Company may not be able to receive the government notice normally, or even incur fines due to the corresponding delay.

After the above matters are completed, you need to inform the bank of the Hong Kong company's bank account that the address of the Hong Kong company has been changed, and cooperate with the bank to complete the formalities of address change according to the requirements of the bank. Failure to complete relevant procedures in time will affect the normal use of your company's bank account.

In addition, your company Secretary will assist you in updating the register of significant Controllers and relevant documents. And submit the annual return with the latest address at the next annual inspection date.
Finally, all partners and relevant personnel should be notified that the company address has been changed, so as to facilitate the normal operation of the company and the normal sending and receiving of letters. So,1After the registration of a Hong Kong company, it needs to entrust a professional organization to handle every business.

What should Hong Kong company do to change its address after registration?

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