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Lang Ke Intelligence intends to increase capital to its wholly owned Hong Kong subsidiary

Released Date: Jan 28,2021 Article Source: HUANZE

In order to promote the company's global manufacturing process, and effectively avoid the adverse impact of international trade barriers, Lang Ke intelligent recently issued an announcement, the company plans to use its own funds to the wholly-owned subsidiary Lang Ke intelligent Electric(Hong Kong)Limited company capital increase3000Ten thousand dollars. After the completion of the capital increase, the registered capital of Hong Kong Longke by927$10,000 increases to3927Ten thousand dollars. Ronco Intelligence still holds it100%Equity. After the completion of the capital increase of Hong Kong Company, Hong Kong Lang Ke plans to increase the capital of Vietnam Sun Company with its own funds3000Ten thousand dollars. Capital increase The company will continue to invest according to the needs of business development. After the completion of the capital increase, the registered capital of Vietnam Sun Company will be from880$10,000 increases to3,880Ten thousand dollars. Hong Kong Longco holds it100%Equity.

In order to promote the company's global manufacturing process, and effectively avoid the adverse impact of international trade barriers, Lang Ke intelligent recently issued an announcement, the company plans to use its own funds to the wholly-owned subsidiary Lang Ke intelligent Electric(Hong Kong)Limited company capital increase3000Ten thousand dollars. After the completion of the capital increase, the registered capital of Hong Kong Longke by927$10,000 increases to3927Ten thousand dollars. Ronco Intelligence still holds it100%Equity. After the completion of the capital increase of Hong Kong Company, Hong Kong Lang Ke plans to increase the capital of Vietnam Sun Company with its own funds3000Ten thousand dollars. Capital increase The company will continue to invest according to the needs of business development. After the completion of the capital increase, the registered capital of Vietnam Sun Company will be from880$10,000 increases to3,880Ten thousand dollars. Hong Kong Longco holds it100%Equity. This company through Hong Kong Lang Ke as the investment path, by Vietnam Sun Company to implement foreign investment, will realize the purchase and construction of plants for intelligent power tool control system, smart home appliances control system, brushless DC motor control system and other products capacity expansion and product upgrading.

View of Huanze: This capital increase and investment is conducive to further improving the company's comprehensive competitiveness and business scale, promoting the improvement of the company's profitability and comprehensive competitiveness, and enhancing the company's follow-up financing ability, providing strong guarantee for the stable growth of the company's future performance, which is in line with the interests of the company and all shareholders.

Lang Ke Intelligence intends to increase capital to its wholly owned Hong Kong subsidiary

CycloseThe company focuses on providing corporate audit, tax declaration, registration, annual inspection, tax planning and other services in Hong Kong, Singapore, Dubai and other regions. Efficient, rigorous, intimate service has been favored by many private enterprises, listed companies and large state-owned enterprises.

Keywords: Ring ze company

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