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Ja Ao (Yangzhou) Solar Energy Technology Co., Ltd. plans to increase the capital of its Hong Kong subsidiary by RMB 60 million

Released Date: Jul 01,2021 Article Source: HUANZE

As the backbone enterprise of Yangzhou photovoltaic industry, JA(Yangzhou)Solar Technology Co., Ltd. is one of the world's largest solar cell manufacturers.2013years4Ja Solar Investment (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. was officially approved as a sole proprietorship in June. It is reported that recently Yangzhou JA Ao (Yangzhou) Solar Energy Technology Co., Ltd. to Hong Kong subsidiary JA Solar Investment (Hong Kong) Co., LTD6000The project has been approved by the provincial Department of Commerce.

As the backbone enterprise of Yangzhou photovoltaic industry, JA(Yangzhou)Solar Technology Co., Ltd. is one of the world's largest solar cell manufacturers.2013years4Ja Solar Investment (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. was officially approved as a sole proprietorship in June. It is reported that recently Yangzhou JA Ao (Yangzhou) Solar Energy Technology Co., Ltd. to Hong Kong subsidiary JA Solar Investment (Hong Kong) Co., LTD6000The project has been approved by the provincial Department of Commerce.

Ring view:With the development of economy, more and more enterprises carry out foreign trade and investment through Hong Kong companies. We will build a platform for transferring and allocating overseas funds to facilitate their fund operation. The capital increase obtained by JA Solar Investment (Hong Kong) Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, once again demonstrates that Hong Kong is an extremely advantageous location. The successful approval of the project will further open up the international market for Yangzhou photovoltaic enterprises and speed up the process of enterprise internationalization.

Zhuhai Port Co. is raising capital for its Hong Kong subsidiary to finance its plan to buy an overseas stake

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Keywords: Ring ze company

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