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Tax trivia

Value-added tax General taxpayers provide real estate business lease value-added tax method analysis

Value-added tax General taxpayers provide real estate business lease value-added tax method analysisJan 07,2021

Value-added tax General taxpayers provide real estate business lease value-added tax method analysis.

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Is it necessary to withhold personal income tax to pay communication expenses to employees?

Is it necessary to withhold personal income tax to pay communication expenses to employees?Jan 06,2021

In many enterprises have the situation of distributing communication expenses to employees, today by my tax agent firm for you to interpret: to distribute communication expenses to employees, whether need to withhold individual tax policy provisions.

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Related analysis of value-added tax on domestic passenger transport services

Related analysis of value-added tax on domestic passenger transport servicesJan 05,2021

In recent years, in order to reduce the burden on enterprises and increase the efforts to reduce taxes and fees, the State Administration of Taxation has introduced a series of tax reduction policies. Below, we analyze the tax basis and deduction rules for the "purchase of VAT input tax on domestic passenger transport services".

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Analysis of matters needing attention in personal income tax final settlement

Analysis of matters needing attention in personal income tax final settlementJan 05,2021

Do you know the personal income tax settlement? Do you need to do personal income tax settlement? This time, my tax agent firm will bring you a few things you must know about the final settlement of personal income tax.

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Analysis of key points of accounting for "travel expenses"

Analysis of key points of accounting for "travel expenses"Jan 04,2021

Some accounting is simple, rough, see the ticket into the travel expenses, but please note: is general, not all! Today, I share with you about the "ticket of 2000 yuan", accounting methods under different circumstances, at the same time, different accounting methods in the annual income tax settlement of the credit limit and amortization need to pay attention to matters.

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Analysis on Tax policy of cross-border E-commerce retail import

Analysis on Tax policy of cross-border E-commerce retail importJan 03,2021

In recent years, in order to promote the speed of customs clearance of cross-border articles and reduce the intensity of supervision, since April 8, 2016, the cross-border e-commerce retail import tax policy has been applied to the goods imported from other countries and regions within the scope of the "Cross-border E-commerce Retail Import Commodities List". Today, my tax accountant office will explain this policy to you.

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Analysis on the preferential tax policies of logistics enterprises

Analysis on the preferential tax policies of logistics enterprisesJan 02,2021

This year, in order to promote economic development, the state has given a lot of tax incentives to enterprises. Today, I would like to share with you the specific interpretation of the preferential tax policies specially given to logistics enterprises.

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How to distinguish the professional analysis of "wage salary" and "labor remuneration"

How to distinguish the professional analysis of "wage salary" and "labor remuneration"Jan 01,2021

Hello, everyone. Today, my tax accounting firm will explain to you how to distinguish between "salary" and "labor compensation" with an example of "10,000 yuan".

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What should we pay attention to when deducting the interest expense that the enterprise actually pays to the related party?

What should we pay attention to when deducting the interest expense that the enterprise actually pays to the related party?Dec 30,2020

It is common for affiliated enterprises to lend to each other in their business activities. However, in order to prevent the transfer of corporate profits through fund lending by affiliated enterprises, capital weakening will be caused. Therefore, in the interest expense deduction, the tax law has made relevant provisions to prevent the above phenomenon. It is common for affiliated enterprises to lend to each other in their business activities. However, in order to prevent the transfer of corporate profits through fund lending by affiliated enterprises, capital weakening will be caused. Therefore, in the interest expense deduction, the tax law has made relevant provisions to prevent the above phenomenon.

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Analysis of withholding of individual income tax for taxpayers whose accumulated income does not exceed 60,000 yuan

Analysis of withholding of individual income tax for taxpayers whose accumulated income does not exceed 60,000 yuanDec 29,2020

In the first year of the implementation of the new tax system, it is found that some taxpayers with a fixed salary from one place and an annual income of less than 60,000 yuan do not have to pay tax, although they do not have to pay tax in the annual accounting, but because of the large fluctuations of their income between months or the reasons of high and low income, they cannot judge the annual income in the middle of the year and a certain month or several months have been withheld and paid tax, and they still need to apply for tax refund after the end of the year. The tax bureau has introduced a new policy to reduce taxpayers' advance tax payment. Today, we will analyze the key points of the policy:

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