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Tax trivia

How to deal with VAT on sales of used fixed assets (tangible movable property) by general taxpayers?

How to deal with VAT on sales of used fixed assets (tangible movable property) by general taxpayers?Feb 11,2022

Some enterprises in the daily business process due to a variety of reasons will use their own fixed assets (tangible movable property) for processing, so this kind of sales behavior involved in VAT is how to deal with it?

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Regarding the standard invoice issue and related taxes

Regarding the standard invoice issue and related taxesJan 22,2022

In the process of operation, enterprises often encounter commercial discounts. If handled correctly, enterprises can enjoy VAT deduction. Once handled incorrectly, enterprises may face the problem of paying VAT in full.

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Analysis on the extension of 1% preferential VAT rate in 2022

Analysis on the extension of 1% preferential VAT rate in 2022Jan 14,2022

We all know that 3% VAT rate is applicable to small-scale taxpayers. In the past two years, the government has given VAT exemption policy, reducing the tax rate from 3% to 1%, in order to help smes cope with the difficulties of the epidemic.

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The annual one-off bonus tax incentive policy is deferred

The annual one-off bonus tax incentive policy is deferredJan 07,2022

The year 2022 has already started, and the year-end bonus you are looking forward to will be paid one after another at the end of the year. For the annual one-off bonus, the tax bureau recently issued a tax extension policy, extending the annual one-off bonus tax incentive policy stipulated in (2018) No. 164 to December 31, 2023.

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What tax breaks will continue in 2022?

What tax breaks will continue in 2022?Jan 01,2022

In order to reduce the burden on taxpayers, the state has introduced a lot of preferential tax policies. Two days before 2022, our tax accountant office has sorted out the preferential tax policies that will continue to be implemented in 2022 for you.

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Analysis of land value-added tax on stock real estate

Analysis of land value-added tax on stock real estateDec 24,2021

We all know that there are currently six additional deductions for personal income tax, several of which can be deducted equally between couples or by one spouse alone. A lot of friends will be very confused what to choose?

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How to make additional deductions more cost-effective?

How to make additional deductions more cost-effective?Dec 20,2021

We all know that there are currently six additional deductions for personal income tax, several of which can be deducted equally between couples or by one spouse alone. A lot of friends will be very confused what to choose?

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Analysis of VAT paid on imported goods

Analysis of VAT paid on imported goodsDec 10,2021

In the actual operation of many enterprises, imported goods may be involved, and the imported goods shall be calculated as VAT according to the Provisional Regulations on Value-added Tax, and the imported goods shall be calculated as VAT according to the composition of the assessable price. Now our tax engineer office will make relevant explanations on the import VAT payment matters.

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Analysis of special deduction for children's education in individual income tax additional deduction

Analysis of special deduction for children's education in individual income tax additional deductionDec 03,2021

We all know that additional deductions can be deducted when individual income tax is calculated and paid, but it should be noted that additional deductions are also required. Today, I would like to share with you the special deduction of children's education in additional deductions of individual income tax.

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Analysis of extra excise tax on super luxury car retail link

Analysis of extra excise tax on super luxury car retail linkNov 26,2021

With the improvement of living standards, cars have become a means of transportation for almost every family. We all know that the consumption tax should be paid in the production, sales and import links of cars.

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