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Tax planning

Personal income tax elderly support deduction

Personal income tax elderly support deductionApr 19,2022

Today I would like to share with you the points that need to be paid attention to in the elderly support deduction of personal income tax.

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Analysis of housing related deduction items in individual income tax additional special deduction

Analysis of housing related deduction items in individual income tax additional special deductionApr 15,2022

Today, we share with you the individual income tax additional special deductions related to the housing deduction.

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Here comes the seventh additional deduction for personal income tax!

Here comes the seventh additional deduction for personal income tax!Apr 14,2022

Personal income tax is a tax levied on the basis of personal income, which is closely related to each of us. In the past, we all know that there are two major deductions in personal income tax. One is the basic deduction, including social security, provident fund, etc. The other is additional deductions, which used to be six items, including children's education, continuing education, medical treatment for serious diseases, house purchase, rent, and support for the elderly.

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Analysis of VAT exemption for small-scale taxpayers

Analysis of VAT exemption for small-scale taxpayersApr 08,2022

In order to further support the development of small and micro enterprises, the country has introduced VAT exemption for small-scale taxpayers. Today, we will analyze the benefits brought by this tax policy to enterprises.

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Analysis on special additional deduction Policy of personal income tax for infant care under 3 years old

Analysis on special additional deduction Policy of personal income tax for infant care under 3 years oldApr 01,2022

2022 for individual income tax special additional deduction, our new policy! It is about the special additional deduction of personal income tax for infant care under 3 years old.

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Analysis on the special additional deduction policy for children's education in individual income tax

Analysis on the special additional deduction policy for children's education in individual income taxMar 25,2022

There are six special deductions in the attachment of personal income tax. Today, I would like to introduce the relevant knowledge of children's education to you.

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Analysis on Equipment and equipment income tax deduction policy for small, medium and micro enterprises

Analysis on Equipment and equipment income tax deduction policy for small, medium and micro enterprisesMar 18,2022

As the epidemic continues, the country continues to increase tax incentives for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in order to recover the economy and encourage employment. Recently, the State Administration of Taxation of the Ministry of Finance issued the "Announcement on the pre-tax deduction of equipment and equipment income tax for small, medium and micro enterprises". Today, we will analyze the preferential policies of this policy for enterprises.

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Analysis of special additional deduction for supporting the elderly in individual income tax

Analysis of special additional deduction for supporting the elderly in individual income taxMar 11,2022

With the development of the economy and the improvement of the tax system, now both companies and individuals can enjoy different levels of preferential tax policies. Today, my tax accountant office is going to take stock of the tax policy of individual income tax.

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Analysis on stamp duty of enterprise stock transfer

Analysis on stamp duty of enterprise stock transferMar 07,2022

Enterprises in the process of operation, often involve the transfer of equity, but the transfer will involve the stamp duty, because not often pay the tax, many people are not very clear how the tax is calculated, today we share share stamp duty is how to calculate.

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The recent national regulation of personal funds new policy

The recent national regulation of personal funds new policyFeb 18,2022

With the development of economy, the country has become more and more strict on tax regulation. Therefore, enterprises must pay less tax in the process of operation in a legal and reasonable way, otherwise it will bring great tax risks to the enterprises themselves.

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