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Tax trivia

Temporary subsidies for epidemic prevention workers will continue to be exempted from personal income tax

Temporary subsidies for epidemic prevention workers will continue to be exempted from personal income taxJun 03,2022

Since the outbreak, the country has given epidemic prevention workers temporary subsidies of personal income tax preferential policies. in2022-2-9The Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation jointly issued an announcement extending the implementation period of some preferential tax policies to2023years12month31Day.

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What are the conditions for the cost of promotion and publicity?

What are the conditions for the cost of promotion and publicity?May 31,2022

In the calculation of business income tax, we need to pay attention to the cost of advertising and advertising expenses.

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Express delivery service VAT exemption analysis!

Express delivery service VAT exemption analysis!May 27,2022

Daily delivery and pick-up have become an indispensable part of our lives, especially during the epidemic, the delivery of materials can be realized without leaving the house. Recently, the country issued a notice on the VAT exemption policy of express delivery service. Let's analyze the preferential policy together:

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Advertising fees tax in addition to included in the requirements, but also need to pay attention to the deduction limit!

Advertising fees tax in addition to included in the requirements, but also need to pay attention to the deduction limit!May 26,2022

Advertising fees tax in addition to included in the requirements, in the calculation of corporate income tax, but also need to pay attention to the deduction limit.

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On the enterprise commission deduction limit analysis!

On the enterprise commission deduction limit analysis!May 09,2022

Such as the commission expenditure of enterprises, when the bookkeeping is needed in accordance with the actual amount of bookkeeping, but in the calculation of corporate income tax, there are limits on deduction, beyond the limit is not allowed to deduct the part, need to adjust out. This would reduce costs and thus increase profits, ultimately increasing taxes payable.

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How does an individual determine the amount of income earned abroad?

How does an individual determine the amount of income earned abroad?May 06,2022

Up to2022-6-30Today, we need to do2021Annual personal income tax settlement, today to share with you about how to determine the amount of overseas income.

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How to accurately divide business entertainment expenses?

How to accurately divide business entertainment expenses?May 01,2022

In the current period of corporate income tax settlement in the mainland, there is one expense, as long as there is a tax adjustment, this is business entertainment expenses. But there are some units of accounting will think: food and beverage expenses=Business entertainment expenses, this is actually wrong, today and you discuss how to accurately divide business entertainment expenses.

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On small and micro enterprise income tax preference analysis!

On small and micro enterprise income tax preference analysis!Apr 29,2022

In order to further support the development of small and micro enterprises, the state continues to increase tax incentives for small and micro enterprises, and once again preferential corporate income tax. Today, we will analyze this preferential tax policy.

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Analysis of individual income tax additional deduction for continuing education

Analysis of individual income tax additional deduction for continuing educationApr 25,2022

Today I'm going to share with you the additional deduction for continuing education. The amount of the deduction is related to the type of continuing training an individual has received.

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Analysis of individual income tax special additional deduction for medical treatment of serious diseases

Analysis of individual income tax special additional deduction for medical treatment of serious diseasesApr 24,2022

As for the payment of personal income tax, there are many special deductions. Because some people do not understand these policies, they do not enjoy the corresponding tax incentives, which leads to their own personal income tax payment, increasing their tax costs.

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