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Tax planning

Commission processing taxable consumer goods, consumption tax how to calculate?Dec 14,2020

Consumption tax/Excise Duty (Special goods and services tax) is a general term for all kinds of taxes that are levied on the turnover of consumer goods. It is the most common turnover tax along with value-added tax. When processing goods on commission, the consumption tax levy is more special, because different processing methods of consumption tax payment time is different. Here is to do a detailed understanding with you.

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Analysis of accounting treatment of employee welfare expensesDec 13,2020

My tax agent firm is often asked by customers, whether to pay the travel expenses of the staff is welfare? Is there any personal income tax risk? Today in this unified reply.

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The analysis of the tax payment on the income of the individual and the employer who terminate the labor relationship and obtain one-time compensation

The analysis of the tax payment on the income of the individual and the employer who terminate the labor relationship and obtain one-time compensationDec 12,2020

In daily work, it is often easy to question the tax payment of one-off compensation income when the labor relationship between individuals and employers is terminated. How should we grasp the core points of the policy and how to calculate tax payment? The following, by my tax agent firm for you to carry out specific analysis.

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How should non-resident individuals calculate their taxable wage income?

How should non-resident individuals calculate their taxable wage income?Dec 11,2020

In 2019, the State Administration of Taxation issued a new policy on the calculation and payment of individual income tax by non-residents -- "Announcement No. 35 of the State Administration of Taxation of the Ministry of Finance". Under the new regulations, the amount of non-resident personal income judgment.

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Analysis of year-end bonus calculation and personal income tax paymentDec 10,2020

It's coming to the end of the year, and everyone is most happy that it's coming to the year-end bonus time, but how to calculate the year-end bonus, and pay personal income tax? The following, by my tax agent firm for you to carry out specific analysis.

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Analysis of Individual income tax Preferential policies on dividend income

Analysis of Individual income tax Preferential policies on dividend incomeDec 07,2020

In daily life, whether shareholders should pay individual income tax on the dividends they get from investing in the stock market, how much they should pay, and whether there is any preferential treatment are questions of great concern to everyone. Today, our tax accountant firm shares with you the preferential tax policies on individual income tax on the income from dividends and dividends.

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Related VAT special invoice related processing analysis

Related VAT special invoice related processing analysisDec 07,2020

My tax agent firm in the accounting tax declaration or tax planning is often asked by customers: our company issued a special VAT invoice inadvertently lost how to deal with? How does the buyer certify? Today I tax accountant office for you to do a detailed answer.

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Analyze the tax treatment of company meals

Analyze the tax treatment of company mealsDec 06,2020

Business first, meals later. Company meal accounting treatment, seemingly simple, in fact, not easy. Today we are going to learn about the meal cost under different circumstances and different accounting treatment.

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How to define and account the goods sold on the platform consignment?

How to define and account the goods sold on the platform consignment?Dec 06,2020

In today's society, mobile phones are becoming more and more important in People's Daily life. The reason is that various apps in mobile phones have brought convenience to our life, such as the emergence of many platforms for consignment sales in recent years. How to define the goods sales on the platform consignment? And how to do accounting?

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Calculation and analysis of the final tax paid on individual residents' comprehensive income

Calculation and analysis of the final tax paid on individual residents' comprehensive incomeDec 05,2020

The end of the year is approaching, and the final settlement of individual income tax is coming. Have you made it clear how to calculate the tax for the comprehensive income of individual residents? Let's share the following:

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