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16 2021.08

Personal salaries tax and Deductions in Hong Kong

With the stabilization of the epidemic, countries around the world have started a new round of econo...
15 2021.08

Do Hong Kong companies have to appoint a company secretary to file tax returns?

According to the Hong Kong Tax law, any Hong Kong limited company must declare tax to the Hong Kong ...
14 2021.08

Hong Kong company audit do account when large travel tax bureau how to inquire

In Hong Kong, the company often incurs related expenses in the process of auditing, accounting and t...
14 2021.08

Shanghai Free Trade Zone Company and Hong Kong company comparison

Hong Kong has a low corporate tax rate and a narrow tax base. Except for specific industries, Hong K...
13 2021.08

HongKong company registered for many years has not done the audit how to issue the audit report?

AClient's Hong Kong company2010years10The month was founded, until2019years6I opened an account in t...
13 2021.08

Hong Kong company audit tax return deadline

Hong Kong company audit tax declaration has been busy for a long time, the account deadline in12mont...
12 2021.08

Types of audit reports for Hong Kong companies

The audit report of a Hong Kong company can be divided into three parts according to the auditor's o...
11 2021.08

Hong Kong company audit bank account letter points

In recent years, with the deepening of reform and opening up, China's economy is developing rapidly....
10 2021.08

Is Hong Kong company easy to manage after registration?

Hong Kong company after registration management is relatively simple, only need to do two things eve...
10 2021.08

What is the stamp duty on conversion of shares in Hong Kong?

In accordance with the latest provisions of the Inland Revenue Ordinance, since2021years8month1With ...

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