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07 2021.09

What is the tax filing process in Hong Kong?

Hong Kong companies are usually registered at No18After receiving the tax return, you need to prepar...
07 2021.09

Hong Kong company after registration to do capital expansion need to do?

After the completion of the registration of the Hong Kong company, if the Hong Kong company intends ...
06 2021.09

What is corporate Departure tax in Hong Kong?

Hong Kong plays an important role in the financial system of Asia. People from many countries and re...
06 2021.09

Hong Kong company audit tax returns when the cost is greater than the income risk

When doing the audit and tax declaration of Hong Kong companies, we often encounter the problem that...
05 2021.09

On the Seychelles company economic essence

About Seychelles2020Annual beneficial title act('BOA') is now available. This act is2020years8month2...
04 2021.09

Why is the registered address of a Hong Kong company important?

Recently, a customer proposed that if the address registered by a company in Hong Kong is used by th...
02 2021.09

Information required for BUD special audit of Hong Kong company

Hong KongBUDThe purpose of the Special Fund is to assist small and medium-sized enterprises (includi...
02 2021.09

BUD special audit process of Hong Kong company

Hong Kong companyBUDProcess of special audit
31 2021.08

Hong Kong company registration should pay special attention to matters

Hong Kong is the financial center of Asia,Bosses from around the world register Hong Kong companies ...
31 2021.08

Is the audit commission deductible for Hong Kong company?

As we all know, Hong Kong is the financial center of Asia, so many companies and individuals from th...

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