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28 2022.09

Does a Hong Kong company need to pay severance pay to lay off a Hong Kong employee?

According to the relevant provisions of the Employment Ordinance of Hong Kong, if an employer (such ...
27 2022.09

Can Hong Kong company name plus BANK or bank be registered?

In accordance with the provisions of the Banking Ordinance, either an authorized central banking ins...
26 2022.09

How do Hong Kong companies differentiate offshore profits when audited?

As many customers are well aware, the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department is not liable for profits ...
25 2022.09

Does the Hong Kong company need to provide the annual inspection documents to the bank after the annual inspection?

Generally, we need to do annual inspection and get a new business registration certificate after the...
21 2022.09

Does a Hong Kong company need compensation if it wants to lay off a local employee in Hong Kong?

According to the relevant provisions of the Employment Ordinance of Hong Kong, either the employee o...
20 2022.09

What should I do to register a Hong Kong company?

The registration of Hong Kong companies is different from that of mainland companies. As a special a...
08 2022.09

How to deal with overdue annual inspection of Hong Kong company?

Recently, a client in Hong Kong company wants to cancel. The client hopes to distribute the undistri...
06 2022.09

Can Hong Kong company cancel dividend and withdrawal?

Recently, a client in Hong Kong company wants to cancel. The client hopes to distribute the undistri...
05 2022.09

Are there any registered capital requirements for investment subsidiaries of Singapore companies?

Some clients set up a company in Singapore, and then the Singapore company acts as the shareholder t...
04 2022.09

How to declare Hong Kong Personal Salaries Tax?

Hong Kong individual salaries tax declaration can be divided into two types. One is those who hold o...

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